Friday, 21 March 2008

How to snatch a draw from the jaws of victory....

I feel some background information about the following game is justified....
  • I was recovering from the flu at the time and so had a raging headache after 45 mins on my clock....
  • I had hoped to play white and indulge my opponent in aggressive chess....
    please see kings gambits,Evans ,or B.D.G ,which I was prepared for..
  • finding myself facing 1.e4 , the most logical response was the shveshnikov Sicilian which according to G.M. John Nunn is living on the knife-edge for Sicilian fans... (sir.. I agree)
The game itself started slowly before it opened up and I was suddenly an exchange up heading into the endgame...

typical of sods law, the brain stopped engaging and I allowed my opponent a chance to salvage a draw......
cue me slapping the taste out of my mouth and my opponent surely relieved that I managed to swindle myself out of a win....
oh well enjoy and let me know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.