Friday, 28 March 2008


I have always had a soft spot for the much maligned gambit... (amongst others gambits Kings gambit, Evans Gambit,B.D.G.)
I think the gambit has received very poor press in the chess world considering no GM. uses it as a major weapon in their opening repertoire.
During the next week I will study some of the games and finally decide whether to take it up and sure as hell, if the games are interesting i.e I don't get blown out of the water facing equal or slightly superior opposition then the games will be here.
the following "borrowed" videos are part of my elementary understanding of the opening.
The video below despite the poor audio has pretty much killed my enthusiasm for the gambit.
please take time to play thru it and u shall also realise why to a prepared player, the benko is probably confined to providing a surprise weapon for white.
now am back to square one.

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